Registration Fees

Registration Fees

Participants Registration Fees

Early Bird Late

Student (India) (in INR) 7,000 8,000

Faculty (India) (in INR) 9,500 12,000

Student Members (SAARC) (in USD) 150 200

Student Non-members (SAARC) (in USD) 175 250

Faculty Members (SAARC) (in USD) 300 350

Faculty Non-members (SAARC) (in USD) 350 400

Student Members (non-SAARC) (in USD) 250 300

Student Non-members (non-SAARC) (in USD) 300 350

Faculty Members (non-SAARC) (in USD) 500 550

Faculty Non-members (non-SAARC) (in USD) 550 600

Industry (India) (in INR) 15,000 20,000

Industry (SAARC) (in USD) 500 600

Industry (non-SAARC) (in USD) 1000 1200

Accompanying person (India) (in INR) 5,000 7,000

(International) (in USD) 500 700

Excursion tour (India) (in INR) 5,000 7,000

(International) (in USD) 250 300

Note: Registration fees cover presenter certificate, cost of registration kit along with Program booklet (Congress and Exhibition Proceedings), Abstract publication with DOI in CRC Press, opportunities for publications of selected papers in high impact factor journals, and lunch and high tea complimentary during Congress and Exhibition session at KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India.